NWVCL » League Rules
League Rules 2024-2025
Our league's priority is providing professionally run events with help from high level certified USAV officials for all the league tournaments. NWVCL will do its best to provide playing opportunities for all women's collegiate club teams throughout the Northeast region.
In registering as a participant in and in consideration of being permitted by the NWVCL to participate in the league tournaments and championships, all participants (players, coaches and any other team members) voluntarily agree to assume all risks in and incidental to participation in these events. Moreover, all participants release the NWVCL, its officers, employees, agents, and their successors from all claims of personal injury or damages whatsoever, (whether such damage be known or unknown), including medical and attorney's fees in any matter arising out of or resulting from or in connection with their participation in the events organized by the NWVCL.
All participants acknowledge to have full knowledge of the risks involved in playing volleyball, and declare to be physically fit and sufficiently informed to participate. Each participant is personally responsible for all risks of injury of damage to person or property in any way out of her/his participation in this
activity should she/he chooses to transport herself to the activity venue or choose to extend her stay at the conclusion of her competition(s). In particular, each participant agrees to specifically release the NWVCL from any claim that may arise as a result of her/his remaining at the tournament site after the event is terminated for the day. Each participant is personally responsible for all risks of injury of damage to person or property in any way arising out of her/his participation in any NWVCL events.
» | League dues: League dues will be $375 per team. The dues must be received by Saturday, October 26th, 2024. If a school has "A" and "B" teams, they must pay $375 for each team ($750 total). The league will not make exception for any team in regards to its deadline. It is the responsibility of each team to ensure that checks are sent (and received by the league office) on time. If your school check is going to be late then you will have to send in a personal check to put on hold until your official school check arrives. |
» | Hosting tournaments: Teams interested in hosting league tournaments should contact the league commissioner as soon as possible. The NWVCL season typically goes from the third weekend of October through the last weekend of March. Hosting teams are responsible for court set-up, facility rental fee and any cost involved with having athletic trainers available (when required). The league does not require athletic trainers at its events but they are highly recommended. Hosting teams MUST follow their school's policy on hosting an athletic event (ex. having an athletic trainer available). NWVCL will coordinate tournament schedule, hiring and assigning certified officials, on-line results posting, game balls, etc. |
» | Registration for tournaments: Individual tournament fee will be $175 per team per tournament. Non-league teams will pay $200 per team per tournament. Registrations for individual league tournaments are first come first serve. The early deadline for a tournament will be 14 days prior to the actual tournament date. Each tournament will have designation as Open, East, Central, West or South. Divisional members will always have priority over other teams throughout the early deadline.
For example, UCONN (Central division) is hosting a league tournament designated as Central division only. All Central division teams will have priority in registration through the early deadline. Other division teams will get in only if spaces are still available after the initial early registration deadline.
* OPEN tournaments are for any NWVCL member teams (East, Central, West or South). ** Non league teams will be accepted only if spaces are available after the deadline has passed. |
» | Last Minute Tournament Cancellations: If a team drops out from a tournament inside two weeks (14 days or less), they will forfeit their entire registration fee and be penalized neg. 100 points in the league standings. In addition they will lose priority status when registering for subsequent league events. A team that has two last minute cancellations in a season will become ineligible for the league championship that season. A team must give an e-mail notification to withdraw from a tournament at least 14 days prior to the tournament date in order to receive a full refund/credit. |
» | Member In Good Standing: All Divisions (East, Central, West, South): teams must play in at least three REGULAR SEASON league tournaments (one in the fall semester, two in the spring semester). Remember this is the MINIMUM requirement. Teams are encouraged to play in as many league tournaments as possible to earn points towards qualifying for the league championships. It is highly recommended that teams planning to participate in the NCVF Club Nationals play in at least three tournaments during spring semester. |
» | Qualifying for League Championships: Each division will crown its own Champion at the end of season League Championship. A team must have played in the required minimum number of tournaments for their division. Point System will be used to determine top 8 teams from each Division. The more you play, the more points you will earn. For details on our point system, go to http://www.nwvcl.org/standings.aspx
Point Average System will be used to determine the seeding for the championships. Championship format will be similar to that of Club Nationals (seeded pool play and challenge rounds followed by modified single elimination). Hosting school for the league championship will receive an automatic entry into the championships. Non-league teams are not allowed to participate in the league championships. |
» | Results and Nationals: All league tournament results will be sent to the national ranking committee by the league Commissioner. Any other matches and non-league tournament results should also be forwarded to Jung if you wish them to be considered for national rankings.
All league teams are eligible for Club National Championships as NWVCL is a recognized NVCF club league. |
» | Individual Tournament: 4 team pool play followed by single elimination playoff. All pool play matches will use the best of three sets (25, 25, 15) format whenever possible. Playoff matches will be best of three if time permits; they may be reduced to one set to 25 when necessary. |
» | Playing Rules: All playing rules will be same as USAV. We will closely follow the NCVF Club National playing rules. |
» | Eligibility Rules: The league eligibility rule will be same as that of National Collegiate Volleyball Federation (NCVF). A participant must be an enrolled student with a minimum of 3/4 full-time enrollment as an undergraduate or minimum of six hours as a graduate student at a NCVF recognized 2-year or 4-year degree-granting college or university throughout the current NCVF Competitive Season.
Six Consecutive Year Rule: Each player is allowed the maximum of six consecutive years to play collegiate club volleyball. The clock for each player starts the first year she registered/played with a collegiate club/varsity team. For 2024-2025 season, any ex-varsity player who played in fall 2018 season or prior can NOT participate in our league tournaments or the NCVF National tournament.
Only two ex-varsity players are allowed per team each season. Ex-Varsity = Anyone who was on the varsity roster (regardless of their playing time). No current varsity player (anyone who plays or practices with the varsity team during fall 2024) can participate in the league play this season (2024-2025). |
» | Uniform: Many of you are looking to purchase new uniforms. Please be sure to review the attached USAV uniforms requirements prior to purchasing your uniforms. The uniforms requirement for 2024-2025 season will be same as that of 2023-2024 season. In addition to having "clearly contrasting" libero jerseys, "entire" uniform number must be clearly contrast with the main jersey color. For example, your regular jersey is RED - then your number should be solid WHITE. If you are still not certain about your uniform legality, please send me a picture before you buy anything you. All teams MUST have legal uniforms. For details on our USAV uniforms requirements, go to https://usavolleyball.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023-2024-USAV_Uniforms_Requirements-updated927.pdf |
» | NWVCL Officers: Commissioner: Jung Park Assistant Commissioner: Zach Droesch Assistant Commissioner/Webmaster: Vu Hoang |
